Aalto in Finland
The studies within the Master’s Programme in Smart Systems Integrated Solutions will begin at Aalto University, Finland. Aalto welcomes the students with a prep-camp including student orientation, review of the contents and goals as well as different activities to get to know each other and the campus.

During the first semester students will acquire an understanding of the smart system design and fabrication principles and create a mindset for product innovations based on holistic system level thinking. Students will also learn about the reliability and lifetime prediction of electronic devices, the basics of upscaling and lifecycle management of strongly miniaturized autonomous sensor and actuator systems. Lab exercises and master thesis studies will be conducted at the world-class facilities of OtaNano (www.otanano.fi), which is the national research and development centre for micro- and nanotechnology jointly managed by Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.
- Student life in Otaniemi
https://www.aalto.fi/en/study-at-aalto/student-life - Visit Finland
https://www.visitfinland.com/ - My Helsinki