Scholarships and fees
SSIs programme envisages Scholarships for applicants from Partner Countries and from Programme Countries. All applications will be considered for the Erasmus+ Scholarship award and scholarships detailed below are awarded to best ranked applicants.
Scholarship for Partner Country Students
Travel and installation costs + installation in Europe
If city of residence is less than 4000 km* from Horten, Vestfold, Norway
Total EUR 5000**
Travel and installation costs + installation in Europe
If city of residence is more than 4000 km* from Horten, Vestfold, Norway
Total EUR 7000**
100% contribution to tuition fees and insurance
Contribution to subsistence costs
EUR 1000 / Month
Total: Max EUR 24000**
*Be advised to use the Distance Calculator
**Please check the detalied rules
Scholarship for Programme Country Students
Travel allowance
Total EUR 2000
100% contribution to tuition fees and insurance
Contribution to subsistence costs
EUR 1000 / Month
Total: Max EUR 24000**
For further information, refer to the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.
Tuition fee
All applicants are welcome to join the EMJMD in Smart Systems Integrated Solutions on self-funding basis. The participation costs (tuition fees) for self-funding students are:
- 4,250 Euros per Academic Year (EU Applicants)
- 8,500 Euros per Academic Year (for non-EU Applicants)